birth: | 19.3.2018 |
colour: | black spotted |
eye: | dark brown |
teeth: | missing 1x P4 |
registration number: | SPKP |
height: | 58 cm |
weight: | 31 kg |
hearing: | BAER +/+ |
HD: | A/A |
ED: | 0/0 |
ARDS: | free |
LEMON: | Free,genotyp E/E , BB |
father: | Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy |
mother: | Elis Danarny |
breeder: | Pódaová Alexandra |
owner: | Natalia Kubjatková (Slovakia), web : |
- Junior Champion of SK
- Junior Champion of CZ
- Junior Champion of HU
- Champion of SK
- Champion of CZ
- Champion of PL
- Grand Champion of SK
- Grand Champion of PL
- International Champion